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Benjamin Kassel
Sep 10, 20216 min read
"Never Tear Us Apart" is a beautiful song on its own...
...but the INXS gem becomes even more special in the context of one Australian rules football team, who will hear it at home tonight.

Benjamin Kassel
Sep 8, 20214 min read
"Semi-Charmed Life," another not-really-happy song, and how I experience it
I can't help but smile when I hear this song, but man, it's messed up. (And holy cow, a 90s track! About time.)

Benjamin Kassel
Sep 6, 20216 min read
"I Wanna Be Adored" drew me into a theological self-inspection
Shanah Tovah! ...This time of year never sits quite right with me, and The Stone Roses of all bands helped capture my feelings today.

Benjamin Kassel
Sep 4, 20215 min read
"1901," the ultimate French track of its time — which calls back to another time
Yesterday, it was French house. Today, it's French rock, and a tune which has its roots in that same electronic touch.

Benjamin Kassel
Aug 29, 20214 min read
Pray that "The Saints Are Coming" for real this time
As Hurricane Ida causes destruction in Louisiana, this entry pays tribute to a people and a city who have risen from the ashes before.

Benjamin Kassel
Aug 26, 20216 min read
"Gimme Shelter" from... a lot of things
A selection made in the wake of on-campus protests, as well as in tribute to a masterful drummer.
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